Vital Signs: Measuring Wellbeing, Creating Change

If you ask nearly anyone who has lived in Greater Victoria long enough to know, they’ll tell you it sure has changed in the past 10 years. Some might say for the better, others might say for worse, but they’ll likely all agree 2020 Victoria is going to be noticeably different from 2010 Victoria.

Which begs the question, what will Greater Victoria look like in 2030? That number may still sound like the setting of a science-fiction story, but time has a way of sneaking by us all. And if we don’t start thinking about how we want our region to look in 10 year’s time, and start taking the steps to make that happen, we will find ourselves catching up rather than leading the way.

So as this decade draws to a close, this is the issue the Victoria Foundation decided to tackle for its 2019 edition of Victoria’s Vital Signs: What will Victoria look like by the end of the next decade?

“We live in a region, and in a society as a whole, that is in transition,” said Robert Janus, Victoria Foundation director of communications.“ From climate change to politics, from rising costs to aging infrastructure, I think we’re all very curious, and confused, right now as to what the future holds. What we’re attempting to do with this year’s report is look at where we might be heading and what we can do to maybe nudge ourselves toward the future we all want.”

Inspired by and directly related to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, a blueprint for achieving global peace and prosperity by 2030, the 2019 Victoria’s Vital Signs takes a deep dive into the current woes and triumphs of Southern Vancouver Island.
For instance, when asked what the most important issues facing Greater Victoria are today, Vital Signs survey respondents listed “Cost of Living,” “Housing,” and “Health Care” as the Top 3. The price and availability of housing has changed significantly in the last decade; how will this change by 2030? Alternatively, when asked what the best things are about our region, residents responded with “Natural Environment,” “Climate,” and “Air Quality.” All three of these are directly related to climate change; to what degree will they be affected over the next 10 years?

To help answer these questions, Victoria’s Vital Signs includes three feature articles from local experts, who were asked to look to the past to help predict the future.

Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce CEO Catherine Holt looks at what the future holds for the economy in our region and all that plays into it, from housing prices to transportation. Then, Jill Doucette, founding partner of Synergy Enterprises, gives her take on climate change, how it will affect our region and how our business community can help curb it. And Times Colonist editor and publisher Dave Obee weighs in on where our region is heading socially, culturally and as an interconnected community.

As always, the report also looks at our region from the perspective of 12 key issue areas, using data and survey results to paint a picture of how it’s faring in regards to Housing, Transportation, Economy and other areas of vital importance. Projects and organizations looking to make a difference in our community are also highlighted, and “Looking Back…” facts provide a peak at where we were 10 years ago.

You can find all of this and more by picking up a copy of Victoria’s Vital Signs today out in the community, or by visiting

#200–703 Broughton Street