5 Events to Know About: April 9 to 15

This week, attend a talk for BC Tsunami Preparedness Week at City Hall and get the early bird pricing for Canada’s biggest social media event.

Above photo: Social Media Camp

Kick off BC Tsunami Preparedness Week with an information session

When: April 8 to 14
Where: City Hall, 1 Centennial Square
Why: Because this week is BC Tsunami Preparedness Week, attend a free information session at City Hall on Monday, April 9 to make sure you fully understand what a tsunami is, what impact it could have on Victoria, and what you should do should the city experience a tsunami warning. During the session, which runs from 6 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., Dr. Tania Insua and Alison Bird will discuss tsunami and earthquake science and highlight what everyone in the CRD should do to be best prepared.

Hear how toxic public discourse can be transformed

When: Monday, April 9
Where: City Hall, 1 Centennial Square
Why: This month’s Lunch Time Lecture at City Hall is titled “I’m Right and You’re an Idiot — The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean It Up.” Hear from author and communication expert James Hoggan in this hour-long session that looks at how public argument is healthy only when it’s approached in a healthy, pluralistic and reasoned way. Hear how Hoggan interviewed thought leaders from around the world to learn how toxic public discourse can be transformed to result in more productive public discussions.

Get the early bird price for Social Media Camp

When: Before Tuesday, April 10
Where: Register online at socialmediacamp.com
Why: Social Media Camp, Canada’s largest social media event, comes to Victoria on May 2 and 3 this year. The early bird pricing is on offer (for a limited number of tickets) until Tuesday. This year, the social media and marketing conference will feature speakers including Chris Heuer of Deloitte and Isabelle Mercier-Turcotte of LeapZone Strategies.

Learn how to read your year-end financial statements

When: Thursday, April 12
Where: Volunteer Victoria, 620 View Street
Why: If you’re on a board and don’t fully understand how to read the year-end financial statements, attend this session hosted by Volunteer Victoria. The event will help attendees by covering important terminology, key reports and tips on how to improve readability. The event is facilitated by Susan Lucato, a Victoria local with more than 25 years of experience in accounting, public speaking and financial management.

Figure out how to successfully advertise on Facebook

When: Friday, April 13
Where: Fort Tectoria, 777 Fort Street
Why: Like it or not, Facebook is still an integral advertising tool for professional marketers. But instead of just throwing away money on Facebook and hoping for the best, learn how to develop an effective marketing strategy from Robert Cooper of PlusROI Online Marketing. During the free session, attendees will learn how to strategically target an audience, use Facebook Pixel, set up custom audiences, measure Facebook data and more.