Operators Sought for Passenger Ferry Service Between Nanaimo and Vancouver

The City of Nanaimo and the Nanaimo Port Authority have issued an Expression of Interest (EOI) to seek an operator of a passenger ferry service between downtown Nanaimo and downtown Vancouver. The two parties, in conjunction with Snuneymuxw First Nation view the operation of a high speed passenger ferry service between the two cities as a catalyst that will diversify and grow the local economy.
The EOI is viewed as an open and transparent approach to gauge interest from the private sector. Results of the EOI will form the basis of future negotiations and is an important step in establishing the service.
“The development of this Expression of Interest through the combined efforts of the Nanaimo Port Authority, the Snuneymuxw First Nation and the City of Nanaimo is a critical step in securing a foot ferry service between Nanaimo and Vancouver. And as importantly is the new found working relationship between the three parties responsible for building a better Nanaimo together,” says Bill Bestwick, Councillor of the City of Nanaimo. 

Strategic Link

  • Waterfront Enhancement (enhanced public access and use)
  • Transportation and Mobility (enhanced transportation connections to Vancouver)
  • Taking Responsibility (facilitating change and development consistent with vision and plans)

Key Points

  • Submissions are due by Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 2pm.
  • Proponents can select to operate from the NPA Cruise Ship Terminal or the City owned waterfront lands at 1 Port Drive.
  • Contact Philip Cooper, Communication Manager for the City of Nanaimo: 250 755 4532