New Breakwater Open Air Market at Ogden Point Debuts July 5

VICTORIA – The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA) is partnering with the James Bay Market Society to bring Victoria’s newest community open air market to Ogden Point every Sunday in the summer starting on July 5.
The market will operate on the lawn adjacent to the Breakwater Café and Bistro and will feature homemade, handmade and homegrown products such as local specialty-foods and artisan crafts. Live musicians will entertain visitors and special events are scheduled throughout the season including craft beer and wine tastings.
“Ogden Point is both an important maritime gateway as well as a vibrant staging ground for community events and festivities,” says GVHA CEO Ian Robertson. “As part of our mandate to continue to improve this iconic port property, we are pleased to welcome the new Breakwater Market and hope that it will become a favourite haunt for both locals and tourists during the summer.”
With views overlooking the historic breakwater, beautiful First Nations murals on the Unity Wall and the majestic Olympic mountains in the distance, the Breakwater Market will be the perfect place for visitors to pick up a unique gift and sample delicious local food while watching the comings and goings of the over 200 cruise ships calling at Ogden Point this season.
“The market will be able to take advantage of a unique landmark setting that is visited regularly by locals as well as by tourists,” says Carole Elliott, Chair of the James Bay Market Society. “This superb location will enhance and benefit the market, its vendors and the community.”
The Breakwater Market will open every Sunday from 11am to 4pm between July 5 and August 30 with the exception of August 9.  There is ample parking available in the lot next to the market. For more information and vendor application forms please visit: