Amanda Eyolfson manages Roll.Focus. Productions along with her partner Mike Walker. The Victoria-based video production company’s team are experts at creating and producing impactful videos with engaging, stimulating content that effectively capture their clients’ brand personalities.
We asked Amanda to give us her advice for using video to promote your business during COVID-19.
Why is video so powerful for promoting a brand?
Video content provides information, entertainment and a sense of connection for your customers all within a matter of seconds.
What should businesses be doing to engage consumers and maintain share of voice?
Any business that continues to communicate with their clients and customers, especially right now, is being proactive in the face of such uncertainty and isolation. Those that take a challenge like COVID-19 and find ways to innovate and do new things (including with video when they’re limited in every other way), are thinking outside the box.
Clients of ours that come to mind that exemplify this are Pacific Opera and Victoria Symphony, showcasing musicians and staff having fun, as well as the Royal BC Museum with their continuous educational content.
For businesses that have never done video — what should they be aware of before they get started?
It doesn’t have to be perfect — the main thing to keep in mind is what its purpose is going into it. What message are you delivering? Stick with that and keep it as brief as possible. Our team has been using this time of isolation to create an online video crash course for businesses that covers everything you need to know when getting started — keep an eye on our social media channels for updates.
Can you hire a video production company during COVID? And if so, what are the limitations and what are the opportunities?
While we cannot speak for every production company and their comfort level, we believe that with the proper precautions it can be done as we adapt to the new normal. Think about daily briefings between the Prime Minister Trudeau and the press. Distance is maintained using gear like boom microphones and telephoto lenses — the same can be done for you and your business.
For businesses new to the online world who know they want go digital but can’t afford a professional video, what’s the 1-2-3 on shooting your own video with your phone?
The first thing to consider is your platform where you’ll be sharing this video — that will have an effect on whether you should hold your phone horizontally (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter videos) or vertically (Instagram stories and TikTok videos). Good light will always make a huge difference, so if your subject can’t be shot outdoors, then ensure they are as well lit as possible.
If you’re speaking on camera, consider that the difference between amateur and professional production can sometimes come down to something as simple as audio — consider purchasing a microphone to plug into your camera or phone if you’ll be sharing video messages often. Adding visuals of a product or subject to accompany your message always makes the video more visually interesting, and as mentioned, keep your video brief in order to keep your viewers’ interest throughout.
Any amateur video editing services you recommend?
If you’re shooting videos on your phone, you can use editing apps as simple as iMovie to compile your video. Otherwise, Davinci Resolve is a free-to-use editor for desktop computers.
And what about video in the time of COVID? How should businesses be presenting their brands visually right now?
If you’re open, make sure people know it by communicating and showcasing what you have to offer and how you’re continuing to provide services (albeit in a cautious way). If you’re temporarily closed, ensure that message is also clearly communicated, while letting customers know what you’re working on in the meantime and what they can expect when you reopen for business.
Any advice in general you want to give about hiring/working with a professional video company and its advantages?
Sharing your ideas and expectations is essential to a successful relationship with a video production company. They, in turn, are not only there to help bring your ideas to reality, but fine tune your message and give it the polish it deserves.