Our Favourite TEDTalks

The massively popular TED Conference is bringing its “ideas worth spreading” to Vancouver in 2014 and 2015. This iconic annual conference invites world-leading thinkers and doers, from business innovators to scientists and social change-agents, to speak for 18 minutes or less.

Talks are then uploaded to TED.com. To date there have been 1,400 TED videos and over one billion views.

Here are Douglas magazine’s picks for the best TEDTalks for business:

Rory Sutherland’s Life Lessons From an Ad Man


Hans Rosling’s Stats that Reshape your Worldview


Daniel Pink’s The Puzzle of Motivation


Cameron Herold’s Let’s Raise Kids to be Entrepreneurs


Seth Godin’s How to Get Your Ideas to Spread


Charles Leadbeater The Era of Open Innovation


Jaigris Hodson’s Life Lessons Stripped Down


Thomas Suarez’s A 12-year-old App Developer


Peter Diamandis’ Abundance is Our Future


Simon Sinek’s How Great Leaders Inspire Action


Sir Ken Robinson’s Do Schools Kill Creativity?


Shawn Achor’s The Happy Secret to Better Work
