All persons entering Canada must complete a Canada Customs declaration form. Wearing apparel and personal effects are permitted free of duty. Persons aged 19 years and over may bring into Canada up to 50 cigars, 200 cigarettes, and 200 grams (seven oz) of tobacco. Persons aged 19 years and over may also bring into Canada 1.14 litres (40 oz) of liquor, 1.5 litres (45 oz) of wine, or 8.5 litres (288 oz) of beer or ale.
General information is available at the Canadian Border Services Agency website ( or by calling 1-800-461-9999. A brochure entitled Customs Information for Visitors to Canada and Seasonal Residents is available in a PDF format at
There are also Canadian Border Services/Customs offices at the Victoria International Airport (101-1640 Electra Boulevard, Sidney, 250-363-6644) and downtown (816 Government Street, 250-363-3531).