How a Victoria Hot-Yoga Studio is Rebuilding Customer Trust

For Ken Mayes, the sudden closure of Hudson Yoga in late 2017 felt personal, even though he had sold the hot-yoga studio in The...

Sport Tourism: A New Sport Tourism Association, a Training Centre for Rugby Canada and...

A new sport-tourism organization has been formed with the goal of strengthening the region’s competitive edge and growing this economic sector. The Greater Victoria...

Victoria International Airport’s Banner Year: By the Numbers

The record-setting number of passengers in 2017, up 4.2% over 2016. Economic contribution to the region associated with YYJ's ongoing activities, up $439M since 2006. Source:...

Local Company Ocean Rodeo Goes Against the Flow

Back in 1977, anyone watching Richard Myerscough and Ross Harrington at Elk Lake on a blustery winter day would have had no idea what...

In the Digital Age We’re Seeing an Analog Revolution

There’s a fairly new tradition in my household. We call it “Analog Sunday” and it involves putting some vinyl on our turntable, tucking into...

Victoria Has a “Nerdvana” Reputation — a Good Thing Since Comics Are Big Business

The Inaugural Capital City Comic Con The owners of Cherry Bomb Toys (and their National Toy Museum), Candice and B. Woodward, have partnered with Tourism...

In the Age of E-Readers and Amazon, Russell Books Is Stronger Than Ever

It’s a reality across the country: many once-booming independent bookstores are shutting their doors. But not Russell Books. Here, business is better than ever. Visit one...

Here Comes the Weed Rush: How Legal Cannabis Producers Are Preparing For Legalization

In a 3,200-square-foot white room with no windows, about 2,000 flowering marijuana plants reach almost to the ceiling where 99 600-watt high-pressure sodium lights...

Syrian Refugees Launch Successful Food Business in Victoria

“Canadians love lentils,” Ibrahim Hajibrahim says with a laugh when asked which of Saraya Hot Bread’s six Syrian food products is the most popular. Hajibrahim...
Rene Sitka's Near Douglas Vancouver Island Magazine

The Story of Sitka’s Near-Failure and Its Road to Recovery

You could say Sitka’s financial breakdown began in mid-2014 when, over three days, a dozen Sitka staff locked themselves in a room for some...