3 Tips to Help You Travel Like a Pro

Travel can be stressful, so having the right gear, tools and apps is essential. Douglas has checked out the latest solutions to keep you...

Vancouver Island’s New Age of Artisan Alcohol

It’s an explosion in distilling not seen since the end of Prohibition. From DIY home stills to an ever-expanding league of legitimate artisan distillers,...

Find Your Balance

“The attraction of climbing is finding that balance between power and finesse — this fine line is what makes it such a challenging and...

5 Tips to Avoid Becoming A Professional Burnout

When business owners and professionals sacrifice their personal well-being for the sake of getting the job done, the results can be costly. It’s 9:00...

Tips and Tricks to Maximize Your Degree

So you put in the long hours of study, sweated through years of exams, spent sleepless nights worrying about your GPA — and you...

Urban Farming on a Rooftop Near You

Almost every day since June, Chris Hildreth has been planting and harvesting his 500-square-foot roof garden atop a one-storey building in the Fort Street...

Bike Lockers Help Long-Distance Riders Get to Work

Geoff Munday would love to bike all the way to work, but the daily ride from North Saanich to his job in downtown Victoria...

Island Motorsport Resort Revs Up for Spring 2016 Launch

Set in Vancouver Island’s temperate and scenic Cowichan Valley, the Vancouver Island Motorsport Resort (VIMR) is on schedule to become Canada’s premier, all-year motorsport...

Red Arrow Taps into Craft Beer Culture

Recognizing the need for local producers in the Cowichan Valley, the team behind Red Arrow Brewing Company is looking to share their passion for...

The Man Behind Rifflandia: Douglas Q+A with Nick Blasko

Nick Blasko is sitting back in his trademark uniform of basic black, a coffee in hand, appearing way too relaxed for a guy who...