Category 12 Brewing Releases Wild IPA in New Elemental Series

Category 12 is excited to launch a Wild IPA, their first in a brand new Elemental Series of beers.
The Elemental Series is the culmination of their commitment to experimentation! They’re diving deep into unique styles, alternate microbes and obsessing over the elemental makeup of these beers. These beers are available for a short time and in limited quantities. 
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Up first in the Elemental Series is their Wild IPA. This Wild IPA is fermented with a yeast called Saccharomyces trois, which imparts an enticing tropical fruit aroma that complements its fruit­forward hop profile. Recently out of the experimental stage, El Dorado and Azacca hops are key to the overall bouquet of the fruity and melon character of this Wild IPA. Bottles will be hitting craft­ friendly private liquor stores all week.

Category 12 Brewing is a craft brewery on Victoria’s picturesque Saanich Peninsula. The brainchild of Michael and Karen Kuzyk, Category 12 focuses on creating “colossal” West Coast and Belgian inspired ales that are balanced and flavourful. The brewery boasts Victoria’s only brewery tap room where customers can enjoy a flight of tasters while viewing the brewery’s entire operations.
In the brewery’s first 6 months of operation their Disruption Black IPA won a Gold medal at the Canadian Brewing Awards. Michael has his PhD in Microbiology and Biochemistry at the University of Victoria and has been brewing beer for 20 years. He decided to leave his scientific career to start Category 12 Brewing with his wife Karen.