Ready to Talk Term Sheets and Tech Investing? Capital Investment Network brings nationally recognized investor training to Victoria to help boost investments in local startup companies
Victoria, BC: Victoria is seeing a huge increase in startup and related entrepreneurial activity. However, far more angel investment is needed to truly support these early-stage companies and move the needle for our region. And while growth requires angel investors to buy into good companies, it is easy to lose money in these deals, especially when investors don’t know what they are doing. Angel investing requires an understanding of how deals work and risks are mitigated. The Capital Investment Network (CIN) wants to facilitate growth by educating investors so they can make smarter deals and invest in more solid companies.
The NACO Academy Workshop: Structured Deals and Term Sheets is the first investor workshop of its kind on the island. CIN has partnered with Canada’s National Angel Capital Organization (NACO, Toronto) to offer this specialized curriculum, created and facilitated by Pieter Dorsman. Dorsman, president and CEO of Redpeaks Management Inc., will be sharing 15 years of experience in this area and will summarize best practices to mitigate losses and position deals for healthy returns.
“Upon completion of this session, you will have a very solid understanding of how to structure and make angel investments, ensure your investment is protected, and get you to a healthy return in what is considered to be a high-risk asset class,” says Dorsman.
This half-day workshop, which has been presented all around the world, is essential for anyone making investments in private companies. This is not limited to IT, biotech, cleantech, or media. If you want to put money into your cousin’s shoe business, you need to apply the same deal-structuring principles.
CIN is a Victoria-based, non-profit organization dedicated to connecting, growing, and strengthening the local angel investor community. CIN’s mission is to offer investor-focused education, resources, and events to increase the level of sophistication and deal flow among local angel investors, explore different investment approaches, facilitate collaboration, and grow the local investment community.
NACO Academy Workshop: Structured Deals and Term Sheets
Monday, November 7, 2016. 8:00am-12:00pm
Fort Tectoria (VIATeC)
777 Fort Street, Victoria
Cost: $150.00. Coffee will be available. Seats are limited.
To register, go to
For more information on CIN, including other angel investor events, go to or contact Chrystal Phan at 250-858-4702 or