Capital City Comic Con is Coming Soon to Victoria

Capital City Comic Con comes to Victoria in March and the community of fans look forward to the third annual convention. Comic Con expects to bring 12,000 attendees to the highly-anticipated event.

Comic Con Victoria Douglas magazine Vancouver Island News
Candice and B Woodward in Ghostbusters gear with their children. Photo by Jeffrey Bosdet.

Excitement for the third annual Capital City Comic Con has been growing since the announcement of the first featured guest, Gates McFadden, who first portrayed Dr. Beverly Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation.

From March 20 to 22, an anticipated 12,000 fans of Star Trek (or Marvel Comics, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and more) are expected to attend the entertainment and comic-book event at the Victoria Convention Centre and Crystal Garden — many dressed as their favourite characters — to meet one another, attend panels and workshops and see the celebrities.

Candice and B Woodward — pictured above in Ghostbusters gear with their children — co-own Cherry Bomb Toys, and are the organizers of Victoria’s Comic Con. Candice says the convention is an event everyone can be excited about attending, and is meant to bring people to the city and grow the vibrancy of downtown.

“Even if you’re not into the geeky and nerdy, you might love to meet a celebrity or an artist that you follow. We bring in different talent from all over the world,” Candice says.

Destination Greater Victoria says last year the convention’s economic impact was just under $1.5 million, with 9,348 attending and 24 per cent of guests being from out of town.

This article is from the December/January 2020 issue of Douglas.