Bin 4 Owner Makes the Big Time

Photograph by Jeffrey Bosdet.

Some of North America’s leading entrepreneurs started out by reinterpreting a simple concept: the burger. That’s exactly what Sarah Blackmore and her partners did when they launched Bin 4, a burger lounge that caters to a foodie clientele.

Blackmore recently received some big kudos for her success. The Victoria entrepreneur placed 17th on the prestigious 2016 PROFIT/Chatelaine W100 list of Canada’s top female entrepreneurs, along with Mandy Farmer, president and CEO of Accent Inns and Hotel Zed, who placed 25th. This is Blackmore’s first year on the list and Farmer’s sixth. The top 100 are selected through a composite score of company growth rate, size and profitability.

So what’s Blackmore’s secret recipe for success?

Team work and consistency, says Blackmore, who, along with co-owners Dan Blackmore and Chef Michael Ringland, opened the third location of Bin 4 last year at Accent Inn on Blanshard, following the success of their Yates and Westshore locations.

“We created systems that we would use at all three locations, making sure our managers and staff are always staying on top of things,” says Blackmore. “We found that using consistent procedures and policies was a way we could grow into a larger company.”

And grow they have, with a new restaurant — Lot 1 Pasta Bar — set to open in Saanich this summer.

“While still focusing on Bin 4, we wanted to try something new,” says Blackmore. “But it’s really important to us that we keep it in Victoria.”