Are You An eLearning Guru?

If you’re an expert at authoring online courses, here’s a local contest you may want to (ahem) learn more about.  

Victoria, BC-based Udutu, an award-winning firm that also has an office in Santa Cruz, California, is giving away prizes and recognition of the best developed e-learning courses created using the myUdutu Online Authoring tool, an open source, modular application.

The “Are You a Udutu Guru?” Course Contest includes prizes such as:

A Flip Video Recorder
A 8GB iPod Nano  
A 4GB iPod Shuffle
Hosting packages worth $2500, $1000 and $500
Udutu Guru T-shirts and hats for the runners up

To participate, read the contest rules, then submit a course you have created using the myUdutu Online Authoring tool. To submit your course, fill out the online Entry Form. Course developers can enter as many courses as they like before the December 1, 2009 deadline.

Udutu judges will be evaluating the entries based on a variety of criteria including:

The effectiveness of the course content to transfer knowledge
The use of a variety of authoring tool features
Course structure and layout
How well the content is aligned with desired learning outcomes
Udutu a Victoria success story

myUdutu, the course authoring tool, is an online learning authoring software that is easy to learn and enables course content experts to build online courses for free with only an Internet connection and a standard Web browser. It can also be used by corporate trainers, software trainers, human resource managers, orientation trainers, curriculum designers, sales professionals, account managers, academics and government administrators, and small businesses.

{advertisement} is a Victoria success story that had its start at Royal Roads University. A team from Royal Roads led by Udutu founder Roger Mundell pioneered the concept of reusable learning objects at Royal Roads University, then as Cedarlearning Systems went on to build the first online authoring tool “KOOLTOOL” as a web application in 1999/2000, and the first Flash based simulation building tool “LOGIC” in 2002/2003. Udutu Learning Systems Inc. was formed in 2005 from that evolution.

Their list of clients includes Microsoft, Tim Horton’s and the B.C. Government, and their awards include winning the Red Herring Canada Top 50 for 2008.

 Garth Von Buchholz is the President and digital media producer at DigitalPractices Media Inc. in Victoria. Email: