Douglas Weekly – December 18

Vancouver Island Brewing has teamed up with the Marmot Recovery Foundation to help save endangered marmots.


Lager to the Rescue

Vancouver Island Brewing has teamed up with the Marmot Recovery Foundation to help save endangered marmots.

If you’ve ever seen a Vancouver Island Marmot — the only animal species that exists solely in British Columbia — count yourself lucky, because they’re one of the rarest animals in the world. In 2004, only 25 of these rodents existed on the Island. But thanks to the efforts of the Marmot Recovery Foundation — a non-profit focused on feeding, releasing, monitoring and rescuing the chunky critters — the marmot population here has grown tenfold. Despite this, the species is at risk of extinction.

To help ensure that doesn’t happen, the hoppy hero Vancouver Island Brewing will soon release a Munich-style dunkel beer aptly named Wild Marmot Lager, which will be available for purchase until January at their Victoria taphouse, Royals games and Ted’s Bar and Grill on Mount Washington. A portion of proceeds will go to the Marmot Recovery Foundation.

“The Wild Marmot Dunkel campaign opens a new chapter in our community-driven conservation efforts,” says Adam Taylor, the executive director of the Marmot Recovery Foundation. 

Whether you’re shredding the slopes on Mount Washington, rooting for the Royals at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre or just craving a frosty brew, help the Island’s marmots this holiday season and grab a pint — or two — of Wild Marmot Lager.

Learn more about the Marmot Recovery Foundation’s work here


Going Cashless

Data shows mobile contactless payments are on the rise; here’s what business owners need to know.

Chances are you’ve seen more and more people paying for everything from coffee to hair appointments using their smartphones — a payment method called mobile contactless payments (MCPs). But have you wondered how they work, why they’re so popular and whether they could benefit your business?

Read the full story in the latest issue of Douglas.


Coming up:  

January 3: Entrepreneur Socialising and Networking Event

January 11: Food Business Planning Workshop

January 16: Destination Greater Victoria Joint Business Mixer

January 18: Camosun School of Business Information Session

January 21-24: Impact Sustainability Travel and Tourism Summit 

January 25: Business and Technology Career Fair

January 25: Small Business/Self-Employed Tax Questions Seminar

January 25: Women Leaders in STEM Panel and Networking

February 1: Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Membership 101

March 6-7: Tourism Industry Conference

March 6-8: South Island Prosperity Partnership Rising Economy Conference  

March 19-22: Indigenous Youth Leadership Training Event

March 21: Saanich Peninsula March Mixer

April 18: Saanich Peninsula April Mixer

June 11-13: Local Government Management Association Conference