Women Share Success Secrets in a Practical One-Day Leadership Conference

Why are women so underrepresented on boards and in the C Suite? Fingers point to everything from “boy’s club” cronyism to lack of experience but what is really needed is to have women “lead the way” for the next generation.
On October 27/28 members of iWIST, Island Women in Science and Technology, host Leading the Way, an event designed to encourage women to pursue leadership opportunities and service on paid boards. Although the emphasis is to help women who work in STEM (science technology engineering math), the conference benefits extend to other sectors as well.
The speaker and panelist line up features CEOs and Presidents as well as experienced leaders sharing practical strategies on how to secure a place at the table. Keynotes are Catherine Roome, CEO BC Safety Authority and Donald Mattrick, Premiers Technology Council.
According to research in Harvard Business Review women succeed in their STEM education but leave the sector just as they should be taking on senior roles. The article “What will it take to keep women from leaving STEM?” points out: “Getting women to the next level should not be left up to luck or change; it requires major professional intervention and support.”
iWIST Chair Robyn Quinn was instrumental in the inaugural launch and explains the rationale, “Over the last three years iWIST has built a dynamic community of women in the science and tech sectors. This conference is all about keeping women engaged. We wanted to create a safe space where we can be authentic.”
When:   Thursday Oct 27 (reception mixer) and Friday Oct 28 (conference) 8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Where:  Baumann Centre, 925 Balmoral Street (Pacific Opera Victoria)
Who should attend:  Women and men who work in STEM sector and want to see gender diversity at the leadership level
Cost:   $225 – includes reception mixer October 27 and meals
To register and for more event information: Leading the Way registration or visit  www.iwist.ca
Unique Takeaway
In addition to receiving high-level inspiration and hands on strategies, attendees also receive a “boots on the ground” perk. The BC Board Resourcing Office will add the final list of attendees to add to their potential candidate database for provincial appointees.
Bonus Event: Geeky Girls Reception Mixer presented by Grant Thornton
When: Thursday October 27, 2016 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Where: Baumann Centre, 925 Balmoral Street
Cost:       $20 – appies and cash bar
Registration details at www.iwist.ca
About iWist: IWIST is a network of women in STEM careers who come together to share experiences and ideas. The group is 100% volunteer managed and meets every two months from August to May. Panels, workshops and networking events are designed to inform and bring the community together. Past events include: Geeky Girls Patio Party, STEM Crawl and Leadership Panels.
For more information email: info@islandwist@gmail.com