It’s October and that means it’s Small Business Month — time to celebrate the enterprises that drive our economy.
According to Small Business BC, there are currently over 389,600 small businesses operating in B.C., representing 98 per cent of all business in the province. In Canada, according to the BDC, there are more than 1.1 million small businesses, and 97.9 of them have less than 100 employees.
Small Business Month
This month marks the 10th anniversary of Small Business Month in B.C. To celebrate, Small Business BC and the Province of British Columbia have partnered to offer the Small Business Month Free Services Plan. This program allows entrepreneurs and small business owners in B.C. free access to all Small Business BC seminars, webinars and Ask the Expert sessions happening between October 1 and October 31. For more details, or to see the full October catalog, please visit Small Business BC.
Small Business Week
Additionally, the BDC’s 37th annual Small Business Week runs the third week in October across Canada. In Victoria, Small Business Week events include a Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce Luncheon with Coralee Oakes, Minister of Small Business and the Small Business Week Series: How to Effectively Welcome New Hires, organized by the Victoria Chamber. Both events take place October 18.
For more information and resources about BDC’s Small Business week, visit the BDC website.