FriesenPress Sales Bloom

Victoria’s own FriesenPress – Canada’s largest supported self-publishing company – has reported record-breaking sales over the last quarter.

The company has enjoyed strong book sales across Canada and the US, with particularly impressive growth  in the US market. FriesenPress, a wholly owned subsidiary of Friesens Corporation – one of Canada’s best 50 managed companies – has confirmed that revenue growth over the last quarter is well into double digit percentages. Several factors have contributed to the company’s strong performance, including new services, shifts in promotional strategies, and a strong US economy.

“While a favourable exchange rate has been a factor,” says FriesenPress President Tammara Kennelly, “it does not, by itself, explain the phenomenal growth we’re seeing. Some of our competitors may operate at a lower price point, but no one matches the quality and the range of author support services FriesenPress offers.”

Those sentiments were echoed by FriesenPress’s Marketing Manager, Christian Jensen. “I don’t think you can point to any one factor,” he said. “The strong US dollar is likely to benefit several business sectors – especially tourism and high value goods and services. At FriesenPress the most impressive increases have been in sales of our full-service assisted publishing services. In other words, it’s not simply low price our clients are after, but rather the highest quality books combined with best service in the industry.” 

Tammara Kennelly echoed those beliefs.  “We’ve worked hard to build the best self-publishing model available anywhere. Far from vanity publishing, supported self-publishing offers writers the services of a traditional publishing house, including paperbacks, hardcovers, ebooks, custom design, editorial support and even marketing and promotion.” 

This last point may also be a factor in the company’s success. Supported self-publishing offers royalties that are far higher than those found in traditional publishing.

“Let’s just say there’s a very good reason many of our authors choose to publish with FriesenPress again and again” says Kennelly.