City of Victoria Launches Business Hub

VICTORIA, BC — Marked with the cutting of a red tape ribbon today, a new business hub at Victoria City Hall was opened to help new and established entrepreneurs connect with the tools and resources they need for their businesses thrive.

“I’m thrilled to have the Business Hub at City Hall opening for business today,” noted Mayor Lisa Helps. “The Hub is one of the key recommendations coming from the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Development and Prosperity and will be a critical part of continuing to support small business, drive investment, and foster Victoria’s inherently entrepreneurial spirit.”

“The City of Victoria’s new business hub will support the city’s growing start-up community,” said Greg Kyllo, Parliamentary Secretary for the BC Jobs Plan. “Our province’s Venture Acceleration Program and recent $100 million venture capital announcement of the BC Tech Fund ensures we can all help promising tech companies get a solid start to growing their business and creating local jobs.”

The City of Victoria is currently recruiting for a Business Ambassador, a customer service professional with experience in business start-ups, development and social enterprise. The Ambassador will serve as a resource for those navigating processes within local government, and other agencies. 

Reciprocating on a recent trade mission, in February 2016, the City and business community will host influencers from San Francisco in Victoria. Invitees will include Joanne Fedeyko, Executive Director of C100 in San Francisco, a non-profit member-driven association that provides a bridge between Canadian start-up founders and innovative corporations, and the highly influential Silicon Valley network. C100 charter members include some of the most successful Canadians working in some of the most important tech companies in the Silicon Valley.  The mission dates of February 17-19 were strategically chosen to coincide with VIATEC’s event called Discover Tectoria, a one day exposition of more than 70 Greater Victoria technology firms and research agencies.