John Wilson on Fielding a Winning Team

We’re not a stagnant company, we’re a progressive company. I’m looking for people who want to build something and aren’t afraid to work and be independent and manage themselves. When you find those people, your business is a lot easier to look after in the long run. – John Wilson, CEO and owner of Wilson’s Transportation

Sports metaphors are popular in the business world for good reason. To be successful in either requires a skilled team that works well together. It seems especially fitting when John Wilson, CEO and owner of Wilson’s Transportation, credits his partners and employees with his recent run of wins, given that Wilson is one of four new local owners of the Victoria HarbourCats baseball team.

“I don’t do any of this by myself,” Wilson says. “In most of my ventures I have really good partners and we have people working hard on the front lines of all the businesses.”

Other recent announcements include Wilson’s appointment to Victoria’s Economic Development and Downtown Prosperity Task Force and Wilson’s Transportation’s two-year agreement with Greater Victoria Harbour Authority to operate the Ogden Point cruise shuttle service.

Looking to the future, Wilson is working with the City on a transportation precinct to replace the bus depot downtown. And that to use another baseball analogy will have him swinging for the fences, looking for another home run.